Chiropractic Care Helps Alleviate Headaches

In our office, we as chiropractors find that we can do a great deal in preventing and decreasing the symptoms of most headaches. We try to properly identify the muscles that may be involved in creating the headache, any range…
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The Importance of Having Good Balance

Good balance plays into a lot of our personal safety as we get older. Balance is extremely important for athletes but it’s also important for everyday people. If you have good balance, typically your muscle memory is good for the…
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Balance Training

Balance training helps people get stronger and steadier on their feel to avoid trips and falls as they age. Balance training focuses on strengthening the core, hip and leg muscles through a variety of targeted, low impact, strength building exercises.…
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Be Backpack Smart!

As the summer nears to a close, students begin to prepare for the coming school year. Make sure that the students in your life choose the right backpack and use it correctly! Backpacks that are overloaded or carried improperly can…
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Don’t Shrug Off Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is the most mobile of all your joints, therefore shoulder pain and injury are very common. Shoulder pain can even stem from the neck. When a nerve root in the cervical spine is irritated, the pain can radiate into the…
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Stand Up For Health

For many students and people in the workplace, it may require sitting at a desk often working on a computer for long stretches of time. The negative effects of prolonged sitting have been reported in numerous recent health studies. Researchers…
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Boost Your Immunity With Chiropractic Care

Studies have shown that chiropractic care can have a positive effect on the immune system. A study found that people under chiropractic care had a 200% greater immune competence than those without! Another study conducted at Life University took a…
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Healthy Family

Do Not Ignore Scoliosis

It is estimated that 5 to 7 million people in the United States are affected by scoliosis. Although there are many common back conditions, scoliosis has the most potential to create a great amount of discomfort and immobility. Luckily, chiropractors…
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